Sweetest and happiest little family! |
Baby Leo, born February 21, 2022. Our first grandbabe!
We traveled to Toronto on February 10, leaving Milly at Shelter Bay Marina, on a one-way flight through San Salvador on Aviance, a Columbian airline at an incredibly low price - compared to others and only a 50 minute layover. For some reason, we thought the travel package would lend itself to a chaotic mess but from arrival at 3 a.m. at Panama City after 1.5 hr taxi ride to our rented/borrowed condo from cruising friends in the Beach, Toronto, it was the smoothest journey we’ve taken by air in ages - no lines, no delays, no hiccups. Flying over El Salvador was a treat - so beautiful, we look forward to going back by sea.
After worrying that we would miss the birth, we were 10 days early. Emily was off work so we spent time with her and Stevie during the day and had dinner with Em and Gid. There was some covid concern - if Gid got covid, he would not be allowed to enter the hospital - so we were all extra careful, essentially in isolation.
On the 21st, Em felt some back pain. We had dinner with them and went home early, about a 20 minute walk away. Very early in the morning we received a text from Gid saying they were on their way to the hospital, Em was in full labour. In triage, an examination showed that the cervix was only 3 cm dilated and they were told to go home. Gid made it clear that this was not a good option and Emily, who admits she was noisy during contractions, vomitted. Between the two of them, those in charge agreed that they should stay.
Leo, the Lion, and Stevie, the Bear. Soon to be best friends. But for now Stevie is a little perplexed and left her companion in a hurry just after the pic was taken. |
She is curious though and takes every opportunity to have a good sniff. |
My post for much of the first few weeks. Babe in arms, Stevie not to be ignored. I loved it. |
Meanwhile, our job was Stevie-care. We moved to their house and waited for news. Gid kept us informed through the long day. Neither of us admitted our concerns for our darling daughter’s well-being but it was hard not to worry even though I have a firm belief that birth is a natural and healthy process, despite it’s medicalization by western medicine. The news of Leo’s birth after more than two hours of pushing after 1 a.m. on Monday, February 21, came as a huge relief and tidal wave of joy.
Our first pic of Leo taken a couple of hours after birth while still in hospital. Already a charmer! |
Uncle Tom was happy to be in Toronto to greet the new family as they came home. It was excellent timing. |
We passed Leo around on the first day. Uncle to Grandpa to Gigi. And he never woke up. Such a good little guy. |
Mutual adoration? Well, I like to think so. |
Gid is a wonderful and loving dad who has jumped right in to the full list of baby care items with enthusiasm, gentleness and patience. |
And Emily is an attentive, loving mum, who gives to her baby with all her being. Forever patient and tender. |
The new little family stayed in the hospital for two nights. We made one trip to the front door with supplies but were not allowed to visit. We walked Stevie, bought flowers and made soup. Tom was able to stop by Toronto for 36 hours on his way from training to Mexico and was part of the welcoming party when Leo was brought home.
After the initial little hiccup waiting for breastmilk to fully establish, Leo spent much of his time sleeping and feeding. Crankiness was limited to a few hours in the evening and if he was held and bounced, he was easily soothed. |
Cool mama, practicing for when she will be on her own. Leo in stroller and Stevie on leash. They are off to the Beach. |
Peter and I spent four additional weeks acting as the support team. It was a delight! An amazing and unexpected part of being a grandparent is seeing your own child parent. Emily and Gid are wonderful, loving and gentle parents and so caring and attentive to the needs of each other. Such a pleasure to see! Although it was fun to be there, needless to say, it was a comfort to know as we prepared to head back to Panama that Em and Gid were very capable to cherish and care for their new little bundle. We would be missed but looked forward with excitement to watching Leo’s growth spurts and milestones, thanks to daily photos/videos. Come June we’ll be part of Leo’s Stony Lake summer.
Since coming back to Milly on March 19th, we have add at least daily photos/videos. Leo didn't like his bath but calmed in the towel looking like King Tut. |
Beginning to smile. And, I have to say, looking a lot like Baby Emily. So sweet!! |
A pea in a pod. |
These pictures make us smile and laugh every day. |
And we can't wait to get back to Toronto to give him a cuddle. And babysit! |