(Almost) Daily Bits

This new page is an attempt to stay up-to-date.  It is frustrating to me that many of our daily observations and impressions never make it to my ever behind and lengthy blog posts.  I'm hoping to make these posts a little more writer friendly - briefer with one or two ideas and one or two pictures.  And perhaps on a daily - or close to daily - basis.


  1. Alex here. Your front neighbor on the leopard.
    Just wanted to let you know, that I posted a sunset foto yesterday on the Carriacou fb page, also showing Milly.

  2. Hi there. I have to apologize to Mrs. Milly. Sally for right, I was wrong. The bay we talked about yesterday, saturday 27th, 2020 is indeed called ANSE LA ROCHE. And not Anse Rouge as I thought of.
    Im Sorry.
    Happy sailing. Great to have meet you.

  3. Hello from sv Cabernet!! Love your photos and blog notes!! Looking forward to connecting again while we are here in Carriacou. Cheers Georgie & Captain Larry
