From Milly, the old city in blue surrounds. |
This is not the Turkish Gallipoli of WW1 infamy, but a small old and new city on the stiletto arch of Italy. A two night stop in a rolly anchorage to clear out of Italy and check out the walled old city on a small island off the nondescript and, dare I say, ugly new city.
The industry here used to be pressing olive oil. Now tourism... |
Clearing out took awhile. After leaving Tunisia we have had no official stamp on our passport. Neither when we cleared into Malta, nor cleared out, cleared into Italy, flew to Norway via Amsterdam, and back via Paris. Now clearing out of Italy with the aid of Google Translate, they were a bit perturbed that we did not have a stamp into Italy. After to-ing and fro-ing between two offices four times, we finally got a guy who understood what we needed. No passport stamp! Ninety Schengen days start when??
...and fishing provide the employment. I have a feeling that this heel of Italy is a bit forgotten. |
The city, or rather tiny town of narrow cobbled streets, laundry hanging and pots full of geraniums and succulents was lovely to amble around. The facade of the cathedral was intricately carved but difficult to see- it was the first cathedral that was not in a piazza and so jammed into the surrounding streets and impossible to admire. We lunched on the promenade that circled the island. And then enjoyed a lazy siesta on the boat. Life is good.
If you were not cleared into Italy, why did you need to clear out?