The day we arrived showed copper earth tones on the hills clad in green pines with beautiful blue sky. But the forecast was not good and proved to be accurate. |
Same view today, day 3, when it is a bit brighter. |
Working on Day 3 of gloomy weather. Wind that is blowing too fiercely, rain that is coming down in actual sheets, even the occasional lightning bolt, have kept us tied to the boat. First day was so cold and wet that we sat in jackets in our saloon den.
What do we do to keep boat fever at bay? Read about Turkey, make water, use water by doing laundry, escape to our novels, cook, wash the floors, read the news online, solitaire, read, clean the stainless when it isn't being rinsed by rain, crosswords, a bit of yoga, read some more, watch a movie, eat, think about boat jobs. The day is full! Luckily we both like reading.
The sun shone occasionally yesterday to allow laundry to dry within 24 hours. |
We are at anchor in Marmaris Bay, Turkey. There is a large, protected marina within 20 meters but it is totally unappealing. Instead, within the huge bay, we have tucked into a protected - from the waves, at least - cove with a number of other boats. As the wind blows and gusts, we all swing like crazy on our chains, sometimes out of sync which brings us a little too close for comfort. Seeing someone leave their boat for a quick excursion is a real event.
The marina is packed full of 600 boats at dock and a couple of hundred on the hard. Instead of joining the forest of masts we elected to have a view of the gray bay instead of a next door neighbour within a meter of our port light. |
We hope to go for a walk today, if we can bear to leave our books. Tomorrow we may even get to Marmaris.
Monday, November 19, 2018
At anchor in Marmaris Bay, off Pupa Yat Hotel
N36.49.6' E28.18.9'
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