Trondheim city centre. A winding river flows through the small but busy old city. Colourful wooden houses line the river and pedestrian cobbled streets. |
We have just returned to Milly after a wonderful ten day family (minus a few important characters) holiday in Norway to celebrate Ake's 90th birthday. First in Trondheim, latitude approximately 63 degrees north, where it never really gets dark. Even between the late sunset and early sunrise there is a twilight zone.
We were hosted by Ake's family who we met for the first time and who were extremely generous and kind. They hosted dinners, toured us about town, led us on a nature hike, and hosted a delightful birthday celebration at an old restored farmhouse/estate.
I was told that Trondheim experiences two seasons: white winter and green winter. We, however, enjoyed mainly blue skies and temperatures in the 20's. It was so lovely that I thought we should sail across the Bay of Biscay, through the English Channel and over the North Sea to get there...maybe not. Chartering might be the answer.
It's always a treat for us to spend time with family. |
A group of seven of our kind hosts toured 8 of us through the city centre. At a comfortable amble, we covered the whole thing in it's spring glory. Flowers, new fresh green leaves. |
Almost 45 years ago, Peter spent a year at this middle school in Trondheim. We searched for the house he lived in to no avail. |
The next day we walked a very short distance - about 10 minutes - out of the city. The houses in Norway, even in Oslo, are surrounded by wild. Tended gardens surround the houses but the edge along the streets are natural which gives the impression, to me anyway, of being more wild than just a city suburb. Love it! This building with the sodded roof - no goats feasting on the grass, though - was a hospital school in the woods where one of our hosts worked. |
The area was dotted with small lakes. People sunbathed at the edge, swam, hiked, biked, canoed, kayaked. Norwegian people enjoy the outdoors! |
From a hilltop we enjoyed a view of the city and the fjord in the distance. Our hosts home is on the closer hillside. All easily accessible. Mountains in the distance are in Sweden. |
Ake was a ski jumper in his athletic youth. These jumps were new since he lived here. |
The birthday boy! So wonderful to be able to celebrate with him. Thank you, Anne and Per! |
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